Monday, January 17, 2022

Product Review: XTERRA Fitness AIR650 AirBike Pro

 Product Details:

The XTERRA Fitness Airbike Pro offers a tremendous range of workout solutions – the unlimited range of air resistance provides low resistance at slow speeds to high resistance at fast speeds. Simply put, it increases resistance the harder you work, so it’s great for everyone.
This modern take on a classic modality is one of the most popular full-body workouts available. The XTERRA Fitness Airbike Pro offers a tremendous range of workout solutions – the unlimited range of air resistance provides low resistance at slow speeds to high resistance at fast speeds. Simply put, it increases resistance the harder you work, so it’s great for everyone. Few other full body workouts are as low impact, easy to use, and burn so many calories in such a small compact design. Whether you are looking to rehab an injury, shake up your WOD (workout of the day), or cross-train for your next race, the XTERRA Fitness AIR650 Airbike Pro has you covered.
  • RESISTANCE: Smooth, unlimited air resistance provides low resistance at slow speeds and high resistance at fast speeds – user controlled and great for anything from rehab to high intensity interval training
  • DRIVE SYSTEM: Industrial grade chain drive system operates as a fixed gear (direct drive) and is extremely durable and reliable
  • CONSOLE: Performance monitor LCD display is easy to read with all your necessary information - RPM, Speed, Time, Distance, Calories, Watt, Interval Prompt, and Heart Rate. Chest strap transmitter (not included) is required for heart rate display to function.
  • PROGRAMS: Quick mode program buttons include Target Time, Target Distance, Target Calories, Target HR, Interval 20-10, Interval 10-20, and Interval Custom
  • SEAT: Performance designed seat enables maximum exercise mobility while still providing support and comfort
  • HANDLEBARS: Ergonomic handlebars are designed with multiple padded grip options and are built to take the most intense upper body workouts
  • PEDALS: Wide, low profile pedals are anti-skid with dual sided molded pegs for an excellent grip
  • FOOT PEGS: Large foot pegs are knurled for better grip, allows user to rest their feet during targeted upper-body workouts
  • ADJUSTABILITY: Seat is fully adjustable (up/down/forward/back) to provide users with a proper fit
  • FAN: 9 heavy duty steel fan blades are completely enclosed in a 27” wire steel fan housing – added benefit is the fan keeps you cool during workouts
  • FRAME: Heavy-duty steel frame is extremely stable and backed by our lifetime warranty
  • POWER: No external plug-in required, console uses 4 AA batteries (included)
  • STORAGE: Large transport wheels allow for easy transport to any room in the house
Product Review:
Finally, a heavy-duty exercise bike designed directly for the use of athletes to rehab patients and everyone in between. The Xterra Fitness AirBike Pro reinvents and retools nearly every component of the traditional fan bike, from the frame construction to the crank, pedals, monitor and more.
The great thing about the Xterra Fitness Air Bike is that it can work for a beginner, a rehabbing athlete, or a seasoned pro training at the highest levels of competition—no matter their sport, body type, or ambition. While fanbikes have existed for nearly half a century, modern advances in their design and function have made them increasingly in-demand among military personnel, pro and college sports teams, competitive cyclists and sprinters, and high performance athletes from the cross-training ranks. The key: you set your own pace. The resistance adapts to your own output, and the bike’s multiple, custom seat adjustments make for a more comfortable, customized ride.
This bike has become an essential part of my daily routine. I've actually been using fan bikes for almost two years at my local CrossFit gym and fell in love with it there. Now I have one of my own so I can use it when I want, which is just about every day.

There's nothing quite like it. Resistance increases the faster you pedal. There is no coasting. It's a workout from the first pedal to the last. And it's super simple. Some might be put off because of this. The monitor is an upgrade over the competition with all the the important information you need to monitor your work...time, calories, MPH, watts (watts are what you should be watching's the best indicator of how much work you're actually doing).

It also has several simple programs built in including interval training, distance, calories, and heart rate. I like the interval programs. Research shows interval training is the best for your overall well being. I've taken to doing the 10-20 (that's 10 seconds work hard and 20 seconds rest) in the morning. You go through it 8 times which is a total of 4 minutes. I burn about 50 calories in that 4 minutes and I really feel it when I'm done. If you do interval training right and push as hard as you can during the intervals, you will get to that "breathless" state where the magic happens.

In the physical therapy world, Dual Action Air Bikes are simply smart. Wind resistance is exponential, so the harder you pedal, or push/ pull your arms, the higher the resistance becomes. This naturally provides the right workout for both a novice exerciser and an elite athlete.  You will find the bike in heart centers, physical therapies, Cross Fit gyms, NFL training rooms, and millions of homes throughout the world.
The bike was super easy to put together. I followed along with the directions that were included  and it probably took me all of 20 minutes. There are actually very few parts for you to assemble, and it's super helpful that all the screws are already in the holes that you'll tighten them in.

Main Points to Consider:
-   Effective for Any Ability
Xterra Fitness Air Bikes resistance is controlled by the user, not the machine. You can control the intensity of your workout - The harder you push, pull and pedal, the more air you're moving and the greater the resistance. Cool-down and lower your heart rate by easing the intensity of your push, pull, and pedal stroke in order to decrease the resistance and amount of air moving.
-  Full-Body Workout
Pushing, Pulling, and Pedaling can all be done with a Xterra Air Bike. This activates muscles in your arms, chest, back, legs, and even your core for washboard abs! Quickly burn calories with a full-body workout where you control the intensity of your exercise regimen!
-  Comfortable and adjusts to fit various heights
The adjustable seat allows you to adjust the seat up/down, and forward/back. Simply loosen the pop-pin and pull out to adjust the vertical distance from seat to pedal. Next, loosen the seat lever to slide the seat closer or further away from the handlebars!
-  Easy Transport and Storage
Simply tilt the AIR650 forward and roll away using the 2 over-sized wheels from the front stabilizer
-  Built to Last, COMMERCIAL GRADE!
More robust than competitor Bikes and uses more durable moving parts. Xterra Fitness Air Bikes utilize the best technology in exercise bikes for a heavy-duty piece of equipment built to withstand anything you can throw at it!

-  Easily Measure Performance and Progress
Competition Ready: The Xterra Fitness Air Bike comes everything you're accustomed to and more! The console measures distance, watts, speed, and calories. The Large Console Display gives users an easy way to measure performance and track progress.  Everything you need in one, easy-to-read console with the ability to setup Interval Training, Target Training, Heart-Rate Training, and more. Polar-Heart Rate Chest Belts are compatible.

The console also allows for switching between units of measurement: Meters or Miles and measures to the tenth of a Calorie so you know your exact progress. Our console is easier to use and more accurately reads changes in speed. We've also included the ability to SET or TARGET distance, calories, and time while the console counts down from your targeted goal so you know just how much longer to work for.

-  How does it compare to other Air Bikes?
The Xterra Fitness AIR650 Air Bike features increased durability by using higher quality parts throughout the frame. We've reinforced weak points of other air bike models to create the most durable and robust bike on the market. The frame weighs more than comparable models which leads to more stability.

Purchase your XTERRA Fitness AIR650 HERE

Friday, January 14, 2022

Why You Should Be Using Different Grips

 How you grip the bar or weights makes a major difference on what muscles are activated during a workout. Changing your grip can work muscles that previously were unengaged, enhancing your workout and building muscle.

Crushing is the action of wrapping the fingers around an object that provides resistance to your fingers bending. Your fingers are the primary exertion of force, such as when you shake someone's hand. A crushing grip is used when gripping a bar, pulling a rope, or performing a pull-up.

Find a small or medium-sized towel and place it in a bucket of water until it is soaked. Stack your fist one on top of the other while gripping the towel with both hands. Now “wring” the towel out by twisting and squeezing the towel as hard as you can. You will know you are done when the water is back to the original height. You can use a thicker towel or fold the one you have in half to increase the resistance.

Pinching is the action of grasping an object between the thumb and fingers. The primary pressure is exerted inward as the thumb and fingers are pulling towards each other. Pinching is not an exercise you naturally use to train in your average workouts and requires specific and intentional practice.

One of the most common and easiest pinch grip strength exercises is a weight pinch. Simply take two plates and place them back to back. Grip the outermost edge, letting the weight hang below your hand. Hold it for at least 30 seconds.

Support Grip:
The support grip is when you lift with your fingers taking on most of the load— most notably, this grip is used in kettlebell work, rows, and deadlifts. It is important to note that a true support grip means that the fingers should wrap almost entirely around the bar or object in hand. An open hand support grip can be utilized by gripping a bar or object that is large enough to leave a small space between the fingers and the thumb.

Farmer carries are a great way to increase your support strength. You are probably familiar with these if you have been in CrossFit for a long time. A great way to challenge yourself is to use a towel or a barbell grip wrap to increase the bar size, using an open hand support grip.TRY IT NOW:
Farmer carries are a great way to increase your support strength. You are probably familiar with these if you have been in CrossFit for a long time. A great way to challenge yourself is to use a towel or a barbell grip wrap to increase the bar size, using an open hand support grip.

So, what do you do with this information?

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

What is Trigger Point Dry Needling?

 Trigger Point Dry Needling (TDN) is a physical therapy treatment technique that utilizes thin filament needles to make changes in myofascial trigger points.  Myofascial trigger points can contribute to pain and decreased muscles function.  TDN is an effective tool in the hands of a physical therapist who manages soft tissue injuries, disorders, or pain.  TDN utilizes very fine acupuncture needs to "shut down" painful areas in muscles.  This causes the muscles to briefly contract and then produce immediate and long lasting relaxation.  TDN is particularly effective when used as part of manual physical therapy treatment approach.

What TDN Can Do -
  • TDN is used only to augment evidence based therapy and does not replace it.  Often, TDN allows patients to more effectively perform their therapy exercises.
  • Resolve chronic issues, particularly in individuals who are dealing with chronic pain
  • Allows patients to perform daily tasks, attend work, and participate in normal activities without pain.
  • Initial responses are often seen immediately.
What to Expect-
During treatment patients may feel a cramping sensation, but then feel immediate improvement of their symptoms.

TDN can significantly decrease or completely reduce spontaneous electrical activity causing muscle dysfunction TDN has been shown to improve range of motion, decrease pain, and improve muscle function.

Common Conditions that Respond Well to TDN-

Upper Extremity Conditions:
  • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Golfers Elbow
  • Rotator Cuff Injuries
Lower Extremity Conditions:
  • Patellar Femoral Syndrome
  • Patellar Tendonitis
  • Hamstring Strain
  • Groin Strain
  • Shin Splints
  • Compartment Syndrome
  • Achilles Tendonitis

Friday, January 7, 2022

Ready to Rid Yourself of Headaches? PT Can Help

Finally Find Relief for Your Persistent Headaches with Physical Therapy

If stress-related headaches are happening so frequently that they are impacting your daily life, it’s time to start thinking about physical therapy for relief. Stress-related headaches, also called tension headaches, are the most common type of headache that impacts people.

While they are not as serious as migraines, tension headaches are a sign that something in your body is “off.” A physical therapist can work with you to determine the cause and eliminate stress-related headaches for good.Ready to Rid Yourself of Headaches? PT Can Help

How can a physical therapist help with my headaches?

The ultimate goal of your physical therapy regimen will be to eliminate your stress-related headaches. However, in addition to relief, you will gain additional benefits that will likely improve your overall quality of life:

  • Improved posture. Bad posture is really one of the leading causes of stress-related headaches. If you don’t enjoy good posture throughout the day, it is likely to lead to more generalized aches and pains, as well as the muscle tension that contributes to stress-related headaches.
  • Neck tension relief. You will have better range of motion in your neck and reduced tension, thanks to manual physical therapy techniques applied to the muscles there.
  • Increased strength: Your therapist will teach you exercises to strengthen your neck and upper back, which will lead to improved posture. With better posture, you will be able to stand and sit longer without experiencing discomfort.

The many benefits of physical therapy

The treatment of your stress-related headaches will depend in part on the diagnosis. For example, one course of treatment that would work for correcting your posture and strengthening the neck muscles might not be appropriate if your headaches are the result of a past injury.

In general, you can expect stretching and strength training to be part of your treatment. Other options that your physical therapist might employ can include:

  • McKenzie therapies
  • Cervical traction
  • Body mobilization
  • Hot and cold compressions
  • Soft tissue mobilization

Aside from your physical therapy sessions at the clinic, your therapist will also recommend exercises, stretches and lifestyle changes that you can make at home, which will all contribute to eliminating your headaches.

How else can PT help my headaches?

Our physical therapist can help you get to the bottom of your headache problem.

If your headache is cervinogenic in nature, we may need to work on your neck. For instance:

  • Our physical therapist can help you identify other migraine triggers and suggest strategies for avoiding them in your everyday life.
  • If your migraines are the result of a recent concussion, a carefully-administered course of physical therapy can actually help you recuperate from that concussion more quickly.
  • Corrective exercises and postural/ergonomic changes can help you steer clear of “text neck” and other occupational headache triggers.
  • Laser therapy and massage therapy can both relax tight neck tissues and speed recovery to injured muscles.
  • Chiropractic adjustment can correct skeletal misalignment issues that place your neck muscles under unnatural strain. These adjustments can also help to reduce cluster headache attacks.
  • Exercises that strengthen and loosen your neck muscles can help to ease the stresses that set off your headaches.

Diagnosing headaches with PT

Before your physical therapy treatments begin, your therapist will work with you to diagnose your headaches. You’ll need to discuss your medical history with the therapist. If you sustained an injury to your neck, back or jaw years ago, it could still be contributing to headaches to this day. The location where you experience pain, such as in the face, back of the neck or forehead, can also help to diagnose the source.

Your physical therapist will likely run you through some tests as part of the diagnosis phase. For example, your posture will be checked as you engage in several activities. The strength of your muscles and the range of motion in your neck and shoulders will be tested. Your therapist might do some manual therapy to see how mobile your neck joints are.

Once the cause of your stress-related headaches is determined, a customized course of physical therapy can be prescribed to treat them.

So, what’s causing my headaches?

One of the main causes of stress-related headaches is right there in the name: stress. The headache generally happens when the muscles in the neck or scalp become tense and contract.

Depression and anxiety are similar emotions to stress that can also lead to headaches. In addition, there may be a physical cause behind your stress-related headaches. An accident or injury to the neck or back can contribute to headaches. Poor posture and arthritis are two other potential causes.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Finally, Relieve Those Aches in Your Back with Physical Therapy

Find the Answer to Your Back Pains Today!

Most Americans will suffer temporary back pain at some point in their lives. When back aches are not temporary, however, it becomes a major quality of life issue. The American Physical Therapy Association states that back pain is the most commonly experienced form of pain for Americans.

In fact, one in every four Americans has sustained some sort of back pain in the past three months. The good news is that you don’t have to live with back pain permanently.

Taking a proactive approach like working with a physical therapist can help you find back pain relief at long last. 

Finally Relieve Those Aches in Your Back with Physical Therapy

What can I expect with physical therapy for back pain?

Over the course of your work with a physical therapist, your progress will be monitored to ensure that you are recovering.

The goal is to eliminate the back pain so that you can live a normal life. A big part of working with a physical therapist is that you will learn strategies for movement and carrying out daily tasks in ways that will prevent the pain from recurring.

For example, your therapist will show you proper posture techniques while you are at home, at work or enjoying leisure activities.

You will also learn how to keep up a regular exercise regimen to keep your supportive muscles strong, which will prevent the back pain from coming back. If your weight is contributing to your back pain, you will learn nutritional advice in addition to exercise to control your weight and keep back pain at bay.

What do treatments look like?

Once your back pain has been diagnosed, a personalized course of physical therapy will be outlined for you. Treatments for back pain will vary based on the diagnosis, your age, weight, physical ability and other factors.

Your course of treatment may include any of the following:

  • Posture work to provide better support for your back
  • Electrical stimulation for pain relief
  • Manual therapy and spinal manipulation to improve joint mobility and relieve tissue pain
  • Stretching and strength building exercises
  • Ice or heat treatments for pain relief
  • Education on how to take better care of your back, such as proper methods of lifting, bending, sitting, and sleep positions

How will a physical therapist diagnose my back pain?

Your journey with a physical therapist will start with a discussion of your symptoms. Your therapist will also review your medical history for any past injuries or illnesses that could be contributing to your current pain. Your physical therapist will also conduct an exam to assess how you are able to move and function as a result of your back pain.

The diagnosis phase will also involve some tests to find symptoms of more serious conditions. If your physical therapist suspects that there is a serious health condition contributing to your back pain, you will likely be referred to a specialist for more testing. In most cases, this will not be necessary.

So, why am I experiencing back pain?

Did you know that the World Health Organization estimates that approximately 149 million workdays are lost due to back pain? It is a sensation that is all too common for millions of people.

60-70% of people across industrialized nations experience back pain, which can greatly hinder daily life and limit you from participating in certain tasks and activities that you enjoy. If left untreated, back pain can also progress into more serious health issues.

There are three main types of back pain:

  • Chronic Back Pain: If back pain lasts longer than three months without subsiding, it is classified as chronic.
  • Recurrent Back Pain: This occurs when acute back pain goes away for a while, but then comes back periodically.
  • Acute Back Pain: Acute back pain is the most common type. This is a temporary pain that goes away in less than three months.

Back pain is usually not serious and will resolve on its own. Recurring pain and chronic pain, however, can be a sign of a more serious health problem.

There is a broad range of potential physical conditions that could be causing your back pain, which include osteoporosis, degenerative disk disease, a herniated disk, fractures, or lumbar spinal stenosis.