Friday, September 16, 2022

Festivus Games - "Feats of Strength for the Rest of Us!"

Pairs – Same-Sex & Mixed-Sex Event October 22, 2022

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Festivus Competition Details:
The first Festivus competition was held on April 30th, 2011. The concept was simple yet long overdue. Since novice and intermediates make up 95% of athletes it made sense to have a competition designed only for them. No fire-breather types allowed!

As the made-up holiday “Festivus” was created “for the rest of us” Festivus Games continues the tradition of a light-hearted spirit with “feats of strength for the rest of us.”

Festivus Games was designed so it wouldn’t be necessary to scale the events. No athlete, whether six months in or brand new, will need to scale any of the events. The competition is about capacity more than a high degree of skill. Everyone can row…just how fast? Everyone can deadlift..just how much?

Since the first competition with about 70 athletes Festivus Games has grown to over 17,000 athletes a year!

When you compete in the Festivus Games you can expect to be challenged but you can also expect to have a lot of fun! With our Novice class Festivus Games really is the perfect venue for your first functional-fitness competition. Our Intermediate class will provide enough challenge for all but the best of the best athletes so Festivus Games can be your competition of choice for years! And, if you should happen to be age-mature enough? We’ve got the Masters division. We love our Masters Athletes!

Click Here to find the closest Host and the exact date of our next event!

You can count on feats of strength “for the rest of us” for sure!

I will post pictures from the event and detail my experience so be sure to check back at the end of October!

Thursday, September 1, 2022


 One of the most common complaints of the foot is plantar fasciitis. But what is it and what causes it? Fascia comes from the Latin word for band which is appropriate as the plantar fascia is a band-like material that runs from the heel to the base of the toes. Plantar fasciitis is essentially inflammation of this fascia. It is a fairly prevalent condition in runners and casual joggers and can lead to perceived pain at the bottom of the foot and heel.

Typically when one thinks of plantar fasciitis the word heel spur comes to mind. A heel spur is a bony overgrowth at the bottom of the foot that most people think either causes plantar fasciitis or vice versa that plantar fasciitis causes the spur. However, recent research has shown this is not the case. A study on 22 different heel bones with confirmed spurs showed that spurs formed at the origin of a muscle known at the bottom of the foot known as flexor digitorum brevis, not the plantar fascia.

So what does this mean for people that have plantar fasciitis? It is not what is causing the heel spur and it can be managed by activating the right muscles! A great exercise to perform if you think you may have plantar fasciitis is the lift, spread, and drop exercise. Start by lifting your big toe off the ground without lifting the rest of the toes and then dropping it back to the ground. Then try lifting the other toes, spreading them a part, and bringing them back down. To progress this exercise, try lifting each individual up and down to strengthen your foot muscles and keep you pain free!

If this exercise does not work for you, then it may need to be modified to ensure proper activation of the foot musculature. Several treatments exist to assist in doing so, including activating the muscles in stable positions with Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) as well as increasing foot mobility with manipulation, Active Release Technique (ART), Cupping and Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) and decreasing inflammation within the fascia using Dry Needling.

Share this article with someone you think may have plantar fasciitis symptoms and encourage them to schedule with a PT to stay active and keep that foot pain away! Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial